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Workshop on Effective Use of Data for Policy Making on Ageing, Chiang Mai, Thailand, December 5-6, 2017

Using the National Transfer Accounts methodology, the workshop examined how data can reveal disparities in later life to support policy making that enables countries to prepare for rapid demographic ageing. The objectives of the workshop were: 1) To generate practical learning in using NTA evidence for developing policies addressing the diverse challenges of older people and ageing populations; 2) To discuss how to use NTA data effectively for policy formulation; and 3) To facilitate cross-country networking and sharing on population. The workshop brought together about 100 participants from 20 participating countries and three regional and international organizations. Participants included academic experts, government officials, international organizations, civil society, and parliamentarians.

Workshop presentations, agenda, participants

Diversity within Developing Asia highlighted in NTA Bulletin 12

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The latest NTA Bulletin reports on the results of NTA estimates in 15 low- and middle-income Asian countries. The Bulletin discusses how both the contributions and benefits associated with demographic change are shared across different groups within the population. Download the NTA Bulletin 12 directly from the global NTA website.

NTA network welcomes Timor-Leste

NTA Asia and the Pacific members, together with the whole NTA network, are very pleased to welcome Timor-Leste as the newest member of our growing global network. The Timor-Leste team is based at the General Directorate of Statistics in the Ministry of Finance, Timor-Leste, and is led by Mr. Silvino Lopes, SE, who is the National Director of System and Report.


NTA network welcomes Mongolia

NTA Asia and the Pacific, together with the whole NTA network, welcomes the Mongolia team to our growing global network. The Mongolia team is led by Dr. Enkhtsetseg (Enkhee) Byambaa who is Professor at the Population Teaching and Research Center at National University of Mongolia.


NTA Bulletin 10 focuses on economic security of older people in Asia

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The latest NTA Bulletin describes the complex old-age support systems in Asia and highlights their importance for fiscal sustainability and economic growth using the updated National Transfer Account estimates for many East and Southeast Asia countries. Download NTA Bulletin 10 directly.

11th Global Meeting of the NTA Network set in Senegal

The Eleventh Global Meeting of the National Transfer Accounts Network will be held on June 20-24, 2016 in Dakar and Saly, Senegal. The keynote address will be given by H.E. Mahammed Boun Abdallah Dionne, Prime Minister of the Republic of Senegal. More details are available at the global NTA website.


NTA Asia Training Workshops set in Nepal and Malaysia

The East-West Center, in partnership with the Central Bureau of Statistics, Nepal, and the Malaysia Research Institute on Ageing, Universiti Putra Malaysia, is organzing NTA training workshops in May. Core NTA training will be provided in Nepal for researchers who are relatively new to NTA. In Malaysia, a more advanced training workshop is set. These events are sponsored by UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, and Country Offices. Know more about the workshops here.

NTA network welcomes Iran

NTA Asia and the Pacific, together with the whole NTA network, welcomes the Iran team to our growing global network. The Iran team is led by Prof. Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi who is Director of the National Institute of Population Research, Iran and Professor of Demography at the University of Tehran. View other members of NTA Asia-Pacific here, and of the global NTA network here.


Thailand NTA infomercial previewed in Asia meeting

The Thailand Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board and the United Nations Population Fund-Thailand co-produced a brief infomercial on the implications of an ageing population. The video was previewed at the recent Asia Regional NTA Meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand on December 3-4, 2015 and will be formally launched on December 21.

See longer 5-minute version here.

Regional NTA Meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand on December 3-4, 2015

The 2015 NTA Regional Meeting for Asia was held on 3-4 December, at the Amari Watergate Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting was supported by the Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) of UNFPA and the East-West Center. Learn more about the Asia NTA meeting agenda, presentations and participants here.

New report on aging in East Asia published by the World Bank

WB-EAP2015 report

East Asia and the Pacific is aging rapidly. This poses risks for fiscal sustainability and health-care delivery. The latest WB regional report Live long and prosper: Aging in East Asia and Pacific calls for a rethinking of how health, pensions and long-term care are delivered and financed in the region. See the report's brief here or download the report through this link.

NTA Bulletin 8 focuses on Asia population and economic growth

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The latest NTA Bulletin focuses on the demographic transition in Asia, and how this is related with well-being and economic growth in the region. The Bulletin highlights early findings based on updated National Transfer Account estimates for many East and Southeast Asia countries. Download NTA Bulletin 8 directly from this link. You may also view other Bulletins here.

EWC and KOSTAT to host conference on demographic dividend and population aging in Asia and the Pacific

The East-West Center and the Statistics Korea is hosting a Conference on "The Demographic Dividend and Population Aging in Asia and the Pacific" on October 29-30, 2015 at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawai`i. The event is organized by Ronald D. Lee, Sang-Hyop Lee and Andrew Mason. For conference synopsis, presentations and participants, follow this link.

Regional NTA meeting set in Bali on November 12-13, 2015

This year's Asia NTA Regional Meeting will be held in Ayodya Resort, Bali Nusa Dua, Indonesia on November 12-13, 2015. The meeting is supported by the UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office, the East-West Center, and the International Development Research Centre. The event coincides with the International Conference on Family Planning (link) to be held on November 9-12, also in Nusa Dua. Learn more about the Asia NTA meeting agenda, presentations and participants here. [UPDATE (11/8/2015): This meeting has been postponed to a later date because of uncertainties brought about by an erupting volcano on the neighboring island of Lombok. Keep posted for updates from the organizers.]

NTA highlighted in latest WB-IMF Global Monitoring Report

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(Cross-posted from Global NTA) This year's World Bank and International Monetary Fund Global Monitoring Report (GMR) focuses on demographic trends that will impact future economic growth and development. Analyses of NTA data take center stage in discussing how changing population age structures shape the development trajectories in many countries. GMR 2015/2016 link, and online snippets are available here.

NTA plenary session in 3rd Asian Population Association Conference

Countries in Asia are at different stages of the demographic transition. How should policies respond? In a plenary session at the 3rd Asian Population Association Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Asia NTA network members Sang-Hyop Lee (East-West Center, and University of Hawai`i at Manoa), M.R. Narayana (Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore), and Suphannada Lowhachai (National Economics and Social Development Board, Government of Thailand) discussed how National Transfer Accounts may be used to shed insights on important policy questions concerning how changes in population age structure will impact different aspects of society, including economic growth, generational equity, and public finances. Follow this link for more details.

Asia NTA Exchange Visits held in three cities

Week-long NTA training workshops were held between June 29 to July 24, 2015. Experts from other cooperating Asia-Pacific NTA countries visited country teams (i) in Vientiane, Laos, (ii) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and (iii) in Jakarta, Indonesia to provide additional technical exchange specific to the needs of each country visited. The event was organized by the East-West Center, and made possible by funding from the UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office. Workshop presentations are available here.

South-South Training held in Bangkok

A National Transfer Accounting Training Workshop on Increasing Technical Capacity was held on March 30 to April 3, 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop aims to share the host country's experience for visiting teams to replicate NTA methodologies for their own countries. The event was hosted by the Office of the National Economics and Social Development Board, Government of Thailand, and organized by the East-West Center. The event was made possible by funding from the UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office. See workshop documents here.

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